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Tribulations d'une Française en Finlande
27 juillet 2008

Astral disaster

It feels like a dead person dreaming of her past life as if it was her present, a bit like in Lynch's movies, like in Mulholland Drive. The opaque curtain is drawn, outside the window is only an infinite blue, as immense and terrifying as the sky, with...
24 juillet 2008

White lines - suite

While you are awaymy heart comes undoneslowly unravels so when you come back, we'll have to make new love if you weren't thereto show me it's truenever ever I would believe it by my own
20 juillet 2008

Fragile things

I had been expecting each new access of shattering desperation, each further of these heart-wrenching, soul-wrenching, accelerated downward spirals to draw me too close from the sanity borders, and that I would once fall without return or salvation, and...
20 juillet 2008

Sleep is a facultative facility these days. Feels

Sleep is a facultative facility these days. Feels like should I will to remain awake I would, all sleep being part of a scheme whose nature is not essential by any means. All the compulsory difficulties I have to face are wearing me down though - in this...
18 juillet 2008

Friday, July 18, 01:02All hail to the Moon

Friday, July 18, 01:02All hail to the Moon Goddess!
16 juillet 2008

Days in, days off

Very sexy, very sexy, okay, okay There are days like that, filled with the joy of a concealed promise, the heart on the verge of the lips and happy news blooming and forthwith forgotten, only leaving behind them a trail of light-heartedness... This unearthly...
6 juillet 2008

The cotton bud paradigm

When one goes as a student or intern in a foreign country such as Finland, there's one thing never to care about, to buy or to expect missing when the small amount of the travel stock is out. Something that, of course, one only learns living through it,...
2 juillet 2008

Seen on the wire II

"Spiritual" effects of mushrooms last a year: study (Note the quotation marks...)
1 juillet 2008

Rest, not remain

I still like to be the one turning off lights and closing doors, watching over reality and things to keep them from going wild. To keep them together while you are not there. All is very quiet at work. Most are off, and there's only that binational guy...
Tribulations d'une Française en Finlande
Tribulations d'une Française en Finlande
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